/rechter_tie/remarks Rechter Tie / Robert van Gulik

Alle teksten en illustraties uit het werk van Robert van Gulik
zijn © Erven R.H. van Gulik

Remarks on my Judge Dee novels

   A collection of eight Judge Dee Short Stories is scheduled
for publication by Heinemann early 1967. I added to that col-
lection - entitled Judge Dee at Work - a chronological list
of all Judge Dee Stories published so far,with cross referen-
ces to persons and occurrences that xxxx  appear in more than
one story.The stories are not listed in the order of the dates
of publication or time they were written,but strictly accord-
ing to my - almost entirely fictitious - Judge Dee biography.
If read in the order of this list,one will get a survey of
Judge Dee's entire career as I imagined it. 
Scan van de originele versie
Scan van de versie in de bibliografie